by tuffcare | Dec 13, 2022 | Amputee Lifestyle, New Amputee
What do I do after an amputation? Once the limb has been amputated, some say the first step is recovery, so that the surgical scar heals properly, but in Tuff Care we acknowledge ACCEPTANCE as the first step post amputation. Acceptance can feel like giving in,...
by tuffcare | May 13, 2022 | Amputee Lifestyle, New Amputee
Who said amputation was the end of socialization? That is a huge lie! You only lost a limb, not yourself. Living with an amputation can be very devastating and depressing, causing you to withdraw and just stick to your space or comfort corner — that’s not a...
by tuffcare | May 13, 2022 | New Amputee
Living with a disability or catering for someone who has a form of functional disability is truly quite expensive, considering how you would need to pay for medical expenses, modified transport and housing, and of course personal assistive devices and supports in...
by tuffcare | Jun 20, 2021 | Tuff Care Additional Pages
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Occupational therapy is an important source of support for our clients following amputations. Our team of occupational therapists specializes in working with amputation recovery, helping our clients to restore a reasonable level of independence....
by tuffcare | Jun 20, 2021 | Tuff Care Additional Pages
Prosthetics is not just about who knows how to “make one”. It is about compassion, individuality, detail, and professionalism. It is about cosmetic acuity, inclusive therapy, and body shape detail capture. It is about component selection and functionality....
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